Pyrrhic victory - significado y definición. Qué es Pyrrhic victory
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Qué (quién) es Pyrrhic victory - definición

Pyrrhic victory         
  • alt=A street of ruined buildings with rubble strewn across the road. A red tractor and other vehicles are visible parked in the background
  • alt=Men waving sabers on horseback charge across a bridge, surrounded by figures struggling in hand-to-hand combat
Pyrrhic Victory; Phyrric victory; Pyhrric victory; Empty victory; Pyhrric Victory; Pyrrhic defeat; Pyrhhic victory; Winning the battle but losing the war; Hollow victory; Pyrrhic victories
A Pyrrhic victory ( ) is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress.
pyrrhic victory         
  • alt=A street of ruined buildings with rubble strewn across the road. A red tractor and other vehicles are visible parked in the background
  • alt=Men waving sabers on horseback charge across a bridge, surrounded by figures struggling in hand-to-hand combat
Pyrrhic Victory; Phyrric victory; Pyhrric victory; Empty victory; Pyhrric Victory; Pyrrhic defeat; Pyrhhic victory; Winning the battle but losing the war; Hollow victory; Pyrrhic victories
Pyrrhic victory         
  • alt=A street of ruined buildings with rubble strewn across the road. A red tractor and other vehicles are visible parked in the background
  • alt=Men waving sabers on horseback charge across a bridge, surrounded by figures struggling in hand-to-hand combat
Pyrrhic Victory; Phyrric victory; Pyhrric victory; Empty victory; Pyhrric Victory; Pyrrhic defeat; Pyrhhic victory; Winning the battle but losing the war; Hollow victory; Pyrrhic victories
also pyrrhic victory
If you describe a victory as a Pyrrhic victory, you mean that although someone has won or gained something, they have also lost something which was worth even more.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Pyrrhic victory
1. So it's a pyrrhic victory for them.
Lucky Peach _ David Chang & Peter Meehan _ Talks at Google
2. can qualify whether it's a Pyrrhic victory or just
So You've Been Publicly Shamed _ Jon Ronson _ Talks at Google
3. using this word in the right way-- Pyrrhic victory.
So You've Been Publicly Shamed _ Jon Ronson _ Talks at Google
4. our ambitions at work, it's a really Pyrrhic victory.
Arianna Huffington _ Thrive _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Pyrrhic victory
1. "Welfare reform could be a Pyrrhic victory," Sawhill said.
2. But this would be a Pyrrhic victory, for the price would be freedom and democracy themselves.
3. A successful fight in an employment tribunal brings only a pyrrhic victory.
4. McCain‘s pyrrhic victory is that under the deal, lip service to Common Article 3 remains.
5. President Musharraf has been re–elected, but it is a pyrrhic victory.